Sunday, February 19, 2012

< Insert your cliché of choice here >

Hey, you! Yeah, you. I see you there, all cute and unassuming.

I'll get right to the point. Yesterday was a rough day. For some reason, everything came piling down on top of me at once in my mind, and I felt pretty darn frustrated. I vent-texted many friends and family members. I recall wishing I had a punching bag. I'm not one to lament my circumstances, whatever they are. I generally like where I am (wherever that may be at the moment), and how I ended up there is nothing to regret. Life is for living and learning. Sometimes learning takes longer in some departments than others... and sometimes pride needs to go out the window so we can accept help.

And sometimes your gluten-free apple bread with chocolate chips turns out like this:

(delicious, but no beauty prize)

I have now caught up on some housework, laundry, dishes, and homework. You know, those little things that help make the rest of life a little smoother. (It's nice when I don't have to use a washcloth to dry off after a shower.)

(deep breath)

Looking forward: I have a photo shoot for the album cover coming up near the beginning of March. What to wear!!!?? It's clothes-hunting time. I don't always enjoy shopping, but this is different. I am on a mission!

And as soon as I'm done coughing (coming down with a cold = body telling me to slow down), I'll be back in the studio to give attention to the tracks that are patiently waiting...Linkand soon I hope to have a gig set up!
One thing at a time.

As long as I can still make semi-funny faces at myself in the mirror, I think I'll be alright. And these are especially for the amusement of my family, who have enjoyed/suffered my sense of humor for longer than anyone else on the planet.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Your love should never be offered...Poem by Hafez

I saw this on Paulo Coelho's blog today, and thought I'd share it; a poem by Hafez. There is so much delicious imagery and good words in this poem:

"Your love should never be offered...(Hafez)

a poem by Hafez

Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.

Your love
Should never be offered to the mouth of a stranger,
Only to someone who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife
Then weave them into a blanket
To protect you.

Stay close to any sounds that make you glad you are alive.

Ever since happiness heard your name, it has been running through the streets trying to find you.
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in the darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.

There are different wells within your heart.
Some fill with each good rain,
Others are far too deep for that

Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.

Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me”

There is no pleasure without a tincture of bitterness."

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What do you love?

I love:

Color play
Freshly-baked gluten-free cookies (I keep walking away from the computer to put another batch in...we'll see how they turn out)
Sudden rain, and then bright sun 10 minutes later
Smooshing myself inbetween the pillows and blankies
Hot soup in my tummy
When Maritza cooks for me
An excuse to get muddy
Dark dark chocolate
Enthusiastic piano students :)
Knowing that I have people who love me all over the country/world
Foreign languages
Adjustable piano benches
The smell of freshly-cut wood
I smelled flowers this morning! That.
Exchange of creative ideas
Anything really well-written
Doing the monkey dance for Jrd
The playful, silly side of things
Music being everywhere
Old books and me getting my hands on them
A good pair of boots. Brown, please.
Handcrafted things
That time just before sleep when all the really cool ideas pop into my head...wish I could remember them...
(These cookies are good!)
Completed homework
Family inside jokes

And here is something cool I came across today:
"Ai," the traditional Chinese character for love (愛) consists of a heart (middle) inside of "accept," "feel," or "perceive," which shows a graceful emotion. It can also be interpreted as a hand offering ones heart to another hand.

I could go on and on, but what's on your list? I want to hear.
Anyone who responds (in the blogger comment field) will get a surprise in the mail. :) The REAL MAIL. Not email. Haha!
Happy Valentine's Day! And happy birthday to Oregon! <3

p.s. here's a little visual Valentine's treat from my friend Amy: Artist in the Arctic