I love:
Color play
Freshly-baked gluten-free cookies (I keep walking away from the computer to put another batch in...we'll see how they turn out)
Sudden rain, and then bright sun 10 minutes later
Smooshing myself inbetween the pillows and blankies
Hot soup in my tummy
When Maritza cooks for me
An excuse to get muddy
Dark dark chocolate
Enthusiastic piano students :)
Knowing that I have people who love me all over the country/world
Foreign languages
Adjustable piano benches
The smell of freshly-cut wood
I smelled flowers this morning! That.
Exchange of creative ideas
Anything really well-written
Doing the monkey dance for Jrd
The playful, silly side of things
Music being everywhere
Old books and me getting my hands on them
A good pair of boots. Brown, please.
Handcrafted things
That time just before sleep when all the really cool ideas pop into my head...wish I could remember them...
(These cookies are good!)
Completed homework
Family inside jokes
And here is something cool I came across today:

Color play
Freshly-baked gluten-free cookies (I keep walking away from the computer to put another batch in...we'll see how they turn out)
Sudden rain, and then bright sun 10 minutes later
Smooshing myself inbetween the pillows and blankies
Hot soup in my tummy
When Maritza cooks for me
An excuse to get muddy
Dark dark chocolate
Enthusiastic piano students :)
Knowing that I have people who love me all over the country/world
Foreign languages
Adjustable piano benches
The smell of freshly-cut wood
I smelled flowers this morning! That.
Exchange of creative ideas
Anything really well-written
Doing the monkey dance for Jrd
The playful, silly side of things
Music being everywhere
Old books and me getting my hands on them
A good pair of boots. Brown, please.
Handcrafted things
That time just before sleep when all the really cool ideas pop into my head...wish I could remember them...
(These cookies are good!)
Completed homework
Family inside jokes
And here is something cool I came across today:

"Ai," the traditional Chinese character for love (愛) consists of a heart (middle) inside of "accept," "feel," or "perceive," which shows a graceful emotion. It can also be interpreted as a hand offering ones heart to another hand.
I could go on and on, but what's on your list? I want to hear.
Happy Valentine's Day! And happy birthday to Oregon! <3
p.s. here's a little visual Valentine's treat from my friend Amy: Artist in the Arctic
I luv...
ReplyDeleteMy kiddos dancing in the car
Greek yogurt
Picking blueberries
Staying up really late reading a good book
Sleeping in!
Garage sales
Smell/sound of lawn being cut
Playing dress-up
Doggie kisses
Sleeping on the trampoline
Road trips
Girls nights out
Snuggling w/ my boys
Oh how can I count the things?
ReplyDeleteDark chocolate anything
dark chocolate anything!
Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Chips
the smell of rain and woodsmoke mixed together
cuddling up with a great book and a blankie :)
eye drops
My 2 best friends
an awesome former roommate! (JHG)
My clean bedroom
Fresh laundry
great music turned up loud
making $
Mac and Cheese (the velveeta kind)
I love
Extremely sparkly things
the smell of dried grass and mountain sage in the summer
The smell of saw dust
waking up to the sunlight during any season
waking up to the sounds of cooking and the smell of bacon
laughing till I cry with friends
people who are passionate
standing on the tip of a cliff and feeling the wind around you
hugging someone you havent seen in a long time
cooking a dinner when your starving and enjoying every bite.
driving through huge puddles
bubble baths with a good book
sitting around the fire with my family
sit down dinners at home
climbing (trees, cliffs, anything)
working hard and having a beer at the end of the day
kisses on my neck
chinese food
so much more, but those are just a few things that were brought up today ^_^
I love all of these. Thanks for your replies! Something will show up in your mail over the next week or two. ;)