Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Early morning clarity

Birch Bay, WA sunset

I am lying here in bed, rolling around in a clarity of thought that only comes in the early unrushed hours of the morning after 8 hours of good sleep.

I worry about so many things, unnecessary things. Most of the time I feel my stress or worry stems from the fact that I'm not perfect and I want to be. It sounds ridiculous, but it's kind of true. And a lot of angst has come from that.

When I woke up this morning, I felt very calm and....'ok.' I am ok. You are ok. Everything will be ok. No matter what is going on, no matter how the future plays out, I can handle it. If I beat myself up mentally every time I fail, that's a downward spiral that's difficult to recover from. All these things in my life I will eventually learn from. It's ok if I don't understand it all now. I am expecting many 'Aha' moments in my future. Maybe I'll write a song about it. ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


It's been a month since the show, and I haven't done a lot of music between now and then. But I just started practicing music for other people's shows coming up. I feel much less pressure when playing music I didn't write!

Otherwise, the summer has been filled with swimming (when the sun is actually is where I cast a disapproving glance out the window at the sky), horse training, yard work, trips to the library, babysitting, outings with friends and family, live music, camping, and mountain biking.
