Sunday, September 25, 2011

Creative Arts Highlight: Camela Corcoran


Camela is a painter living in Ogden, UT. I wanted to highlight her work, so I asked her a few questions. This is what she told me:

From the time she was 8 years old she wanted to go to the Vatican and see Michelangelo's work at the Sistine chapel, which she accomplished in 2009. She began painting when she was 12, although she says long before that she used to fall asleep on her coloring books.

Pensive woman with houses
(as part of a series 'Big women with little houses')

Her work is mostly of figures. She says the human form is an inspiration to her. I especially love the way she uses colors. There are a lot of greens, blues, and browns.

She says: "I guess I have an ebb and flow but I have a deep rooted need to express myself and if I don't then I become frustrated. I generally don't express myself verbally so art is a good way to express what I'm feeling."

Camela painting at a festival in UT

Same painting, finished.

Camela is a fairly private person, so she does not have a website but if someone were really interested in her work, they could contact her directly via e-mail: or via facebook (Camela Cox Corcoran).

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This got me fired up

This quote got me all fired up a good way.

"To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” — Aristotle

I realized that I do this. A lot. Fly under the radar where no one can criticize or judge. I am so careful and mum that there can't be much to comment on. This irks me, and makes me want to unleash the passion that drives the music-writing. Who cares if people don't like it? Why would I squelch my own creative passion? It's ok to shine through. It's great to share. This is what people relate to. Fear is behind too many of my actions and I am not ok with that. I would like to change it.
You all with me?

Sunday, September 4, 2011